Author: Claudia Alick

DAY FOUR: Ableism

30 Days of Racial and Disabled Justice A system that places value on people’s bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normalcy, intelligence,

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black imagination bank

Black Imagination Salon

Claudia Alick reached out to natasha marin who had collaborated on a few clubhouse experiments together and pitched a conversation exploring liberation and resilience. Natasha had just finished a book project on Black Imagination and was about to start another. Claudia imagined a space for them fueled by pleasure activism and access intimacy that used digital tools to gather responses and make aggregate dreamscapes. They both invited Black activists, artists, organizers and community members. The final group gathered was all Black women. The beginning moments opened with a conflict. There wasn’t an understanding that the space needed to be Black exclusive. The white CSI members left quickly but it was a reminder of the constant labor to create safe space where Black folks can feel free. The conversation was rich and varied. Below is one artifact from our time dreaming together.

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gaming 4 justice


Our social justice gaming stream project is designed as a weekly digital space for personal connections and further consciousness raising with fun entertainment thrown in!  Every week we stream videogames and discuss a different topic and engage with people in the chat.  We’ve discussed Harm vs Intent, Copaganda and State Violence, as well as premiering original concepts such as The Woke Clock.  After these conversations we enjoy a game as both a palate cleanser and a way to look at the ways BIPOC, LGTBQ+, and Disability Justice intersect in entertainment and society. We also build original videogames and use those to fuel conversations. Watch Gaming4Justice on

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