Category: Practice

a sign that says justice at a street protest


These alliterative techniques for responding to injustice from Claudia Alick of Calling Up Justice are inspired by bystander trainings, peer exchange sessions, and personal experience. The “three D’s” are ways to respond direct, delayed, or delegated response. The “seven R’s” are types of response Request More Info, Redirect, Remove, Reflect, Reframe, Record, Re-educate.

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why was it illegal to be ugly from pbs

“I’m One of the Good Ones”: Ugly Laws, Survival, and the Power of Celebrating Things that Aren’t Pretty

It was just me understanding that if I am a coded as being societally “ugly” in specific ways that I will not receive the care and treatment I need. So, I told myself, “I have to be the most attractive sick person, the most able-bodied-looking sick person.” Adding on to that, I also am expected to complain about not being able to aerial dance and do exercise shit. So that people really know that I’m one of the good ones, the one that they should save.

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Black Powerful book jacket

Black Powerful

Award-wining viral curator and poet Natasha Marin follows up her acclaimed Black Imagination with a new collection of sharply rendered, breathtaking reflections form more than one hundred Black voices.Black Powerful explores the monumental reliance, joy, and triumph of Black People everywhere. Claudia Alick is featured in the collection.

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Early Words

EarlyWords is a simple tool for daily, stream-of-consciousness journaling to jumpstart your day. We were inspired to build earlyWords by one of the best tools

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photo collage of community process

Vallejo Fund

We’re so excited to be invited by De La Projects to facilitate with 3 Palms Group and the Hewlett Foundation to design and envision distribution

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Basecamp Move

Y’all this Basecamp situation is a mess….so here is our messy response. In nutshell we cannot continue to invest our infrastructure in a platform and

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One Free App Logo

One Free App

One Free App is currently a concept to create a mutual aid network of volunteers and organizations.  We want to help connect the people who

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