Transmedia Producing

We produce live events, provide materials for you to produce, and provide advisory technical and artistic support, provide staffing and design for digital and in person events.

Apps and Programs

Network with others using our apps and programs designed to increase and build your personal power.  

Early Words

This app allows you to journal on a daily basis and connect with others through the shared practice.

Justice Producers Collaborative

This is a association of people who produce justice. People participate and connect on a monthly drop in basis and via Discord.

Followers Forever

Followers Forever is a revolutionary mobile app that will bridge the gap between creators and their audience, providing seamless access to their favorite social media content. With a clean and accessible design, the app will empower both creators and followers to stay connected and informed.

One Free Community

Embrace OFC as your online community center and third space, where genuine connections are forged, compassion thrives, and shared values amplify solidarity. By joining One Free Community, you’re not merely entering a community peer-to-peer exchange, you’re becoming an integral part of a movement that celebrates diversity, cultivates growth, and places empathy at the heart of exchange.

Current Networks


We're a free and open platform for theatremakers worldwide, and we've been amplifying progressive and disruptive ideas about theatre and facilitating connections between diverse practitioners for the past decade. We function as a “commons”—a social structure that invites open participation around shared values. Claudia Alick serves on their advisory board.

Disability Justice Culture Club

The Disability Justice Culture Club is an activist house in East Oakland, CA designed w accessibility in mind. It serves as a gathering place for disabled BIPOC community via events, meetings, meals. Jesenia supports as event producer.

Theatre Folx of Color

Group of theater folx on Facebook who identify as BIPOC (Black Indigenous, People of Color) led by Jocelyn Prince. A brave space to provide support and connect with others who share similar experiences working in and around PWIs (Predominately White Institutions) and in and around IOCs (Institutions of Color). An intentional act of joy, faith, and celebration. A radical place to unite around common concerns and plan collective direct action. Founded by The Crew. We know that the revolution will not be funded. #thecrew KINDLY RESPECT THIS AFFINITY SPACE - BIPOC ONLY

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Garden. A 24/7 virtual community center for BIPOC folks practicing pandemic safety. Sign up to come by anytime.


Network of Ensembles Theater

A national community of artists and organizations dedicated to collaborative creation, the Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) works to propel ensemble theater practice to the forefront of culture and society. Claudia is on the goverance board.

a ghostlight on a stage with the words be a light in the background

The Ghostlight Project

The Ghostlight Project is a network of theaters that shines a light against injustice. It is a resource for theaters, arts communities, and individuals to identify and create meaningful action steps, or to continue in the social justice work already underway. Claudia Alick is a founder and producer.

sf disability culture center text over black red and purple color blobs

SF Disability Culture Center

The Disability Cultural Center (DCC) hosts online programming that celebrates the joy, creativity, and brilliance of disability communities in San Francisco and beyond. Our brick-and-mortar hybrid space opens in San Francisco summer of 2025. Claudia Alick is on their advisory board.

aptp anti police terror project

Anti Police Terror Project

The Anti Police-Terror Project is a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color.

Women of Color in the Arts

Women of Color in the Arts (WOCA) is a national, grassroots service organization dedicated to creating transformational change in the arts sector.

Past Networks

Transmedia Performance

Ths facebook group houses many communications for digital performances and discussions about transmedia performance. This page is live and updated sporadically. Calling Up Justice manages this account

Crew Revolution

This was our twitter account connected to Theater Folx of Color

Black Theatre Commons

BTC is a network of theatre practitioners who self-identify as members of the Black/African Diaspora. We activate our collective resources to amplify, nurture and support the work of Black theaters and practitioners through advocacy, convening, networking and knowledge-sharing.

Artists Against Islamophobia & Anti-Immigrant Bias

This facebook group was created to organize several discrete actions and theater interventions to support Latine and Islamic populations under attack by the federal government and stochastic terrorism. It was maintained as a communications network.

Mosaic Network Learning Exchange

Mosaic Network

The Mosaic Network and Fund is a learning network and collaborative fund that supports arts and cultural groups that are led by, created for, and accountable to African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) people in New York City. The Network aims to foster trust, communication, and mutual learning among ALAANA arts groups and City-based philanthropies, focusing on institutions, the people within them, and the field at large. CUJ designed their online network and managed it for a year before handing it off to them.

Unsettling Dramaturgy

Unsettling is a response to the new permeability that has emerged within the theatre ecologies of so-called Canada and the United States to Crip and Indigenous ways of making.

Standing Rock Theatre Action

This facebook group was created to organize several theater interventions and actions around Standing Rock. It was maintained as a communications network.

The Ferguson Moment

This facebook group was created to organize several discrete actions and a website around the Michael Brown killing and subsequent uprising. It was maintained as a communications network