- Oct 26th, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM PST / 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST
- Nov 30th, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM PST / 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST
- Dec 28, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM PST / 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EST
Fill Out this Form to receive monthly invite! https://forms.gle/gpNbcEFdxqkp49nU6
What is the Justice Producer’s Collaborative?
The Justice Produces Collaborative (JPC) gathers in three virtual spaces: Cultivation Calls, Organizing Calls, and the Discord server. We like to imagine it as a community garden. JPC holds synchronous (cultivation calls and organizing calls) and asynchronous connective space (Discord server) so Justice producers can tend our community garden in a way that reflects our shared power and decision-making. This is a collaborative, which means we work together to create better outcomes for the community through decentralized power and egalitarian values. We aim to provide signal boosting and mutual aid for those that tend our virtual garden space. JPC is a project that originated from a collaboration between Grant Miller and Jonathan Paradox from The Curiosity Paradox and Claudia Alick from Calling Up Justice.
What is Justice Producing?
Justice producing is the art of centering justice in cultural production as well as Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion industrial complex labor. This includes theater, film, video games, workshops, and facilitated sessions. In this context, Justice refers to actions which confront, disrupt, and dismantle binaries and performances of white supremacy culture, hetero-patriarchy, ableism, capitalism, colonialism, and additional intersecting oppressions. A Justice Producer produces Justice through community accountability, and emergent cooperation and collaboration.
Who is Welcome?
Attendees are marginalized Cultural Producers creating Justice outcomes for marginalized communities and are looking for solidarity, peer support, and community. This includes artists, activists, facilitators, and workers with explicit EDI, DEI, or IDEAS responsibilities and anyone embedded in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion industrial complex.
When does the Justice Producer’s Collaborative meet?
We have Discord Server where we can connect anytime and Cultivation Calls where we connect monthly. You must attend a Cultivation Call to receive an invitation into our discord server. Upcoming dates listed above.