Author: Claudia Alick

a black woman's hands typing

Tools for making text based games

Calling Up Justice uses Twine as the main platform for our videogame creations. We prefer to focus on tools that are free of charge. We have a separate article on twinery on this site. Below are a number of other tools and platforms that can be used to create text-based games.

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yes magazine cover art Rights and Justice: Disability Advocates Blazing Trails

Rights and Justice: Disability Advocates Blazing Trails

Judy Heumann seemed to be a bit taken aback by this. For clarity, from my mother’s perspective, litigation was not applicable. The so-called justice system is not just and was not built for or intended to work for those who are Black and Brown. Heumann nodded at this clarification and said that she understood, as her parents were Jewish immigrants and the thought of litigation or lawyers was foreign to them, too. But the movement for disabled rights was born out of looking at other movements, like the civil rights movement. “Rosa Parks sat on a bus, but nobody questioned whether you as a Black woman who is disabled could get on that bus. Those were the things that we were fighting for.”

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screen cap of producing with a disabled lens webpage

Producing with a Disabled Lens

Work that does not center justice is centering injustice, which makes for negative artistic outcomes. Practically speaking, it is important for the production teams to have expertise in the areas they want to be successful in. And when it comes to accessibility, disabled artists have the lived experience necessary that will lead to more successful outcomes.

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FORCE! rehearsing and recording at the Graham Foundation | photo by: Ricardo Adame

Ten Theater Ensembles Receive National Theater Project Awards

(Boston, MA) The New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) announces the 10 recipients of the National Theater Project Creation and Touring awards as well as the 15 recipients of Artist Development awards, totaling nearly $1.3 million in support to the field.

The National Theater Project (NTP) promotes the development and touring of artist-led, ensemble, and devised theater works. NTP’s 12 Advisors selected these projects from an initial 98 competitive preliminary applications narrowed to 25 final applications. Each of the finalists was paired with an Advisor to support the final application process.

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businessman selling a couple business things

Bad Faith Communication

Bad faith is a pervasive and destructive force in society that undermines trust, cooperation, and the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. It takes many forms, including hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service, and can involve both intentional deception of others and self-deception.

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a sign that says justice at a street protest


These alliterative techniques for responding to injustice from Claudia Alick of Calling Up Justice are inspired by bystander trainings, peer exchange sessions, and personal experience. The “three D’s” are ways to respond direct, delayed, or delegated response. The “seven R’s” are types of response Request More Info, Redirect, Remove, Reflect, Reframe, Record, Re-educate.

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