Tag: resourcechannel

the words anti-capitalism for artists in different fonts and colors

Anticapitalism for Artists

Anticapitalism for Artists was born in 2020, in the early moments of the pandemic, as an urgent response to the various identity-based “reckonings” that were happening across the art industries.

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two mouths on pop art graphic background. ann james and carly weckstein. intimacy choreography in conversation

Intimacy Choreography

Intimacy Choreographers are responsible for the consensual crafting and staging of stories with content of sexual nature, race, disability, religion, or age with appropriate cultural context and competency.

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Access Hold at Calling Up Justice

At Calling Up Justice, we prioritize accessibility and inclusivity in all our meetings. To achieve this, we employ a unique practice called the “Access Hold.” The Access Hold is a proactive and immediate solution designed to address access issues on the spot, ensuring that every participant can fully engage in our meetings.

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Crip Rave

Crip Rave™ is a Toronto-based collective, event platform, and consulting hub showcasing and prioritizing Crip, Disabled, Deaf, Mad and Sick body-minds within safer and more accessible rave spaces.

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Are you producing an accessible performance or are you part of the disability community and need accessibility? We highly recommend checking out Bay Area Accessible Performances, a fantastic resource brought to you by Gravity Access Services.

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Understanding Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that provides a set of licenses and tools designed to enable the sharing and use of creative works while giving creators the ability to choose the level of flexibility and protection they want for their creations. Creative Commons licenses allow creators to retain copyright while allowing others to use their works under certain conditions.

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LEAD Cultural Arts Accessibility

As an integral part of the Kennedy Center’s Access/VSA International Network, the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) program advances the full inclusion of people with disabilities in arts and culture. With a focus on expanding the breadth and scope of accessible programming, LEAD provides an opportunity for professionals in the field to develop best practices and resources; engage in conversations with colleagues and experts from around the world; and learn practical methods for designing inclusive arts experiences and environments.

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🌟Why Join One Free Community 🌟

🌈 Your journey towards meaningful connections begins at One Free Community – where every interaction is an opportunity to shape a brighter, more empathetic world. Join us today, and let’s redefine community together! 🌈

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Join the EarlyWords Challenge

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-reflection, growth, and creativity? Introducing the Early Words Challenge! This unique challenge combines the power of daily video engagement with the art of stream-of-consciousness journaling using the EarlyWords tool. Whether you’re a social justice advocate, a self-help enthusiast, or a book lover, this challenge is designed to spark introspection and inspire meaningful conversations.

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