Out in Tech

Event Report:

Calling Up Justice Producer Jesenia @NeuroSpicyNetworking attended this amazing virtual Out In Tech Career Talks event! This virtual career fair that connects LGBTQ+ job seekers with recruiters from hundreds of roles in tech. I had the chance to attend on Aug. 30, 2023, and it was a wonderful experience. 🌈

Out in Tech is a non-profit organization that aims to empower LGBTQ+ people in the tech industry by providing them with opportunities for networking, mentorship, education, and community building. Out in Tech hosts various events throughout the year, such as panels, workshops, socials, and hackathons, to connect LGBTQ+ tech professionals with each other and with supportive companies.

Here are some of the highlights of the event:

  • The event started with practical workshops on how to avoid burnout, improve your resume, network effectively, and more. These workshops were led by experts and mentors from Out in Tech and other partner organizations. I learned a lot of useful tips and tricks on how to stand out as a candidate and how to balance my work and life.
  • The event then moved on to the main attraction: the speed networking sessions. I was able to chat with recruiters from many different companies. The recruiters were friendly, open-minded, and eager to learn more about me and my skills. They also answered any questions I had about their company’s working environment, culture, and diversity initiatives. I was impressed by how many companies were actively looking for LGBTQ+ talent and how supportive they were of the community.
  • Several of the connections I have made at this event are already leading to some great potential for me to create more amazing social justice work around disability justice and DEIA within organizations!

Overall, attending Out in Tech’s Career Talks was a useful experience. Not only did I get to explore many job opportunities in tech, but I also got to be part of a vibrant and supportive community of LGBTQ+ tech professionals. I highly recommend Out in Tech to anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ and is interested in tech.

About the Author

Jesenia, a collaborator with Calling Up Justice and cofounder of One Free Community, is working to build a more equitable and inclusive world via collective action by building communities. Learn more on her Website or Read Jesenia’s Bio.

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