Make Black Friday Red 2024

Amazon workers in 30 countries Strike!

The Make Amazon Pay campaign calls on Amazon to pay its workers fairly and respect their right to join unions, pay its fair share of taxes, and commit to environmental sustainability.

Join the protests in solidarity with Amazon Workers Strike on Nov. 29 – Dec 2, 2024!

🌍Inclusive Mutual Aid Networking One Free Community, a BIPOC & neurodivergent-led hub, is spearheading a revolutionary movement to redefine the way we approach Black Friday. “Make Black Friday Red” is not just a call to action; it’s a performance of justice. We’re dismantling the traditional narrative and encouraging a shift towards mindful consumption.

🌈 What is Black Friday, and why is it bad? Black Friday, notorious for its consumer frenzy and wasteful excess, symbolizes a race to the cash register that often leaves us with more items than meaning. At One Free Community, we recognize the negative impact it has on our wallets, the environment, and our collective well-being.

🔄 Take Action Now! Ready to be part of the change? Click on the linktree below to access a wealth of resources, opportunities to make offers, and connect with like-minded individuals. Your small actions can make a big impact, and together, we can make Black Friday a day of conscious choices and positive change.

If you have groups, websites, or organizations to add to the list of alternatives to shopping for Black Friday, the Submission form is linked in the button above.

Let’s keep them in the RED! Stop giving your money to corporations to fund these atrocities!

Stand in solidarity with workers and stop giving corporations our money and instead celebrate community, sustainability, and justice. Join One Free Community in making a difference today! 🌱🌍 #MakeBlackFridayRed #OneFreeCommunity #JusticeInAction

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Read 2023 Newsweek Post:

Search Calling Up Justice