Category: Resources

Crip Rave

Crip Rave™ is a Toronto-based collective, event platform, and consulting hub showcasing and prioritizing Crip, Disabled, Deaf, Mad and Sick body-minds within safer and more accessible rave spaces.

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Are you producing an accessible performance or are you part of the disability community and need accessibility? We highly recommend checking out Bay Area Accessible Performances, a fantastic resource brought to you by Gravity Access Services.

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Understanding Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that provides a set of licenses and tools designed to enable the sharing and use of creative works while giving creators the ability to choose the level of flexibility and protection they want for their creations. Creative Commons licenses allow creators to retain copyright while allowing others to use their works under certain conditions.

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The National Disability Theatre Handbook

The National Disability Theatre Handbook is an exceptional resource that brings together big ideas and practical resources for the world of disability theatre. Having contributed to its content and audio version, I can attest to its profound impact.

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Calling Up Justice Digital Residency

Are you ready to embark on a transformative artistic journey that merges creativity with social impact? The Calling Up Justice Digital Residency is your gateway to a unique experience that fosters both artistic growth and personal development. Open to individuals from high school students to adults, this innovative digital residency program spans three enriching sessions conducted over the internet.

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🌟Why Join One Free Community 🌟

🌈 Your journey towards meaningful connections begins at One Free Community – where every interaction is an opportunity to shape a brighter, more empathetic world. Join us today, and let’s redefine community together! 🌈

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Justice Tech-Coop

Are you passionate about using technology as a force for positive change? At Calling Up Justice, we are committed to empowering marginalized communities through the transformative power of technology. We believe that access to digital tools and knowledge can create opportunities and amplify voices that have historically been unheard. read below to learn how we share power and how you can join us!

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