Category: Resources

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Visual Descriptions with Calling Up Justice

At Calling Up Justice, inclusivity lies at the core of our values, and as part of our commitment to accessibility, we have implemented visual descriptions in all our gatherings. This practice ensures that visually impaired individuals and those joining through audio-only channels can fully engage and participate. In this guide, we will delve into the personal aspects of providing visual descriptions, while also offering performance notes to address potential self-consciousness and encourage effective descriptions that are informative and respectful.

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bystanders on a train image made on midjourney

Breaking the Bystander Effect

I recently attended a bystander training and wanted to share what I learned with all of you. In light of recent events, it’s more important than ever to know how to intervene and prevent the lynching of Black people. The bystander effect is when people in a crowd witnessing something bad happening don’t intervene because they assume someone else will do it. This can lead to terrible consequences, like the tragic murder of Jordan Neely.

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Automatic Writing with EarlyWords

EarlyWords is a simple tool for daily, stream-of-consciousness journaling that can be used for monring pages and other writing. It is a powerful tool for automatic writing. The goal of automatic writing is to let go of conscious thought and allow the subconscious mind to take over, and EarlyWords provides the perfect platform for this kind of writing.

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Access Friction Explained

Calling Up Justice is creating a resource on access frictions because there are multiple meanings and applications of the term. Access frictions refer to the challenges and barriers that individuals face when trying to access resources, services, or activities. These barriers can arise due to various factors, such as physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities. Access frictions can occur when serving one access need creates an access barrier for someone else. In the context of disability, access frictions are the obstacles that disabled people face when trying to access everyday services that non-disabled people often take for granted.

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One Free Community: A Glimpse into a Future Made Possible

One Free Community App has played a significant role in making this a reality. Through this app, everyone has access to supportive communities and resources, and society has become more inclusive, with greater acceptance and support for neurodiversity. Mutual aid has become an expected part of society, and people find joy and hope in helping others. The One Free Community App has transformed the way people think about community, support, and inclusivity, and has shown us that a better world is not just a dream, it is within our reach.

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On Accessible Toilets

The absence of accessible toilets is a subtle yet potent tool of social control that restricts the inclusion of disabled individuals and mirrors historical tactics used to marginalize certain groups. Similar to how women were once kept from certain spaces by denying them restroom access, the lack of accessible toilets limits the participation of disabled individuals in public life, enforcing inequality. Furthermore, this issue extends to homeless individuals who lack restroom facilities, deepening their invisibility and perpetuating their hardships. Ultimately, the dearth of accessible toilets undermines societal inclusivity and hinders the potential contributions of diverse individuals, emphasizing the significance of universal accessibility for a fair and compassionate society.

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From Walkable to Wheelchair Accessible

Hey y’all, it’s Luticha Doucette here. I want to dive a little deeper into the topic of making cities more accessible and inclusive for everyone, especially those with disabilities. As the owner of Catalyst Consulting Associates, I specialize in active transportation projects for cities and municipalities.

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accessible innovation project. a person typing on a manual typewriter over a background of code on computer screens

Racism is Preventing Hardworking People from Earning Enough

Calling Up Justice is a company that is conducting an exciting project aimed at experimenting with accessibility and machine learning technology to increase empowerment for disabled creators. The project involved selecting a video or other writing source featuring disabled creators sharing their clever ideas for 1-3 minutes. Free platforms were then used to transcribe the video, which was subsequently fed into Chat GPT to produce an essay that authentically reflected the creators’ voices and ideas. With the help of Claudia Alick’s finetuning data and prompts, the resulting essays were representative of the disabled creators’ perspectives. This project exemplifies how artificial intelligence technology can be leveraged to empower marginalized communities and create a more inclusive society, with minimal effort on the part of the creators. The following article was built off a report published by Luticha Doucette.

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The Future is Hybrid

Calling Up Justice recommends planning your events to include digital and in-person options. In today’s dynamic world, we need to be proactive and plan for success in a landscape that is more precarious for in-person meetings. By embracing hybrid presenting, we can turn challenges into opportunities and create events that are accessible, safe, and successful.

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