Welcome to our big resource list to supplement our Accessibility though Disabled Justice training. Many of these resources are available by searching for individual terms on the Calling Up Justice website.
What is Calling Up?
https://callingupjustice.com/understanding-calling-up/(opens in a new tab)
10 Principles of Disability Justice
https://callingupjustice.com/accessible-introductions/(opens in a new tab)
Performativity and Language
https://callingupjustice.com/performativity-and-language/(opens in a new tab)
Social Model of Disability
What is Ableism? A definition from TL Lewis
What is the ADA?
Black Panthers and Disability History
Commitment to Cross Disability Solidarity
Access Intimacy https://callingupjustice.com/day-16-access-intimacy-30-days-of-racial-and-disabled-justice/
Forced Intimacy https://callingupjustice.com/forced-intimacy/(opens in a new tab)
On Misrepresentative Casting aka Disability Drag from PBS
Alt Text as Poetry https://callingupjustice.com/alt-text-as-poetry/(opens in a new tab)
What is an Access Doula? https://www.commonfield.org/convenings/4496/program/4849/let-s-diy-access-doula-together-with-remote-karaoke
The Intrusive Identification Demand.
https://callingupjustice.com/the-intrusive-identification-demand/(opens in a new tab)
Getting Called Out: How to Apologize by chescaleigh
How microaggressions are like mosquito bites. Same Difference. Fusion Comedy
Inspiration Porn https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewpulrang/2019/11/29/how-to-avoid-inspiration-porn/?sh=7bf4e91a5b3d
Places to start designing accessibly
Relaxed Theater https://callingupjustice.com/understanding-relaxed-meetings/
My Illness Is Not Your Small Talk [CC] Annie Elainey
Understanding Captions https://callingupjustice.com/calling-up-justice-captioning-resource-guide/
The Daily Commute – Disability Spoken Word [CC] Robyn Lambird
Intersectional Disability Arts Manifesto by Alice Sheppard