2022 Calling Up Justice Platforms

a diverse group of people enjoying the social media

Calling Up Justice designs and facilitates digital platform for communication and empowerment. The Mosaic Network was an alternative to a facebook group for around a hundred theater practitioners and funders. EarlyWords is a tool for artists to journal daily. Followers Forever is addressing a problem of many audience member and connectors being seperated. In 2020 and 2021 we concentrated our energy on video hosting and sharing platforms. In 2022-2023 we are focused on creating tools and digital spaces to empower performances and behaviors in users.

Mosaic Network: Calling Up Justice was contracted by Kyong’s Pacific Beat to design and launch the Mosaic Network Online Portal using the Mighty Network Platform. They provided orientation materials and 21 months of bi-weekly consultations for portal moderation and maintenance, as well as posting content and engaging with others on the platform. They also facilitated the embedded 2021-2022 Virtual Learning Exchanges, including coaching the Mosaic team on video embedding and speaking during live sessions. The contract was extended to include a voting process and additional working group meetings, and Calling Up Justice created a tutorial film on the voting process and designed a process using Jotform for future iterations. They were pleased to not only lead in technical design but also participate in racial justice and event facilitation.

Early Words: EarlyWords is a tool for daily, stream-of-consciousness journaling to jumpstart your day and clear out stray thoughts and emotions. It is accessible, easy to use, and provides a sense of community. Created by artists and coders who want to cultivate habits that help release their most amazing selves. EarlyWords can be accessed for free, or for a small monthly fee.

Followers Forever: A unique challenge we have been experiencing is platforms deleting accounts of marginalized creators in response to hate attacks. We are building a prototype that would allow audience to subscribe for updates if your account changes unexpectedly and inform your followers of your new location. We are fighting bias on the platforms and empowering artists and creators.

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