100K Praises

Play 100K Praises here now! This game launched officially February 29 2024. We are implementing updates daily. The game looks best in full screen, you can access full screen by clicking the three dots and choosing “Enter Fullscreen

“100K Praises,” a text-based video game by Calling Up Justice. “100K Praises” is not just a game; it’s a big, joyful celebration of each of us. It’s all about celebrating YOU and diving into the awesome power of self-love. This project is the result of an artistic invitation from Erik Ehn.

The Artistic Invitation from Erik Ehn:

The Artist’s Invitation from Erik Ehn read by Maiamama

As we craft work to open space in ourselves and others for the good changes, here’s a particular point and path to consider. February 29, 2024 is a leap-day. Some of us have made a practice of generating work together in response to shifts: solstice rhythms, chaos in the news. This note’s an invitation to a social reflection on praise. As a rough orientation – praise is maybe: a return of language to its source… A response to creation that leads in grateful overload to spill; a letting go that leads to decreation. Our hands take a gift, we empty our hands (our language) in imitation. For what, in these times of urgency and high need, will we let go and look out?

Judith Butler describes the ground of our formation as the progressive questions – Who are you, and what are we becoming? (So different from “I think therefore I am.”) How may we break open our media through ecstasies of generosity, spurred by generous encounters? Can we reflect together on our “you” and on the hope (often hard, often lined with challenge) of our becoming? A use of this gathering: we work art (make changes) to celebrate and cause susceptibility to change. If we are falling, we can teach and learn a falling forward, toward each other, toward what we have in common. Disasters of conflict and expiration can be drawn up into
an evolutionary ecology?

Practically speaking: A thousand artists commit to generating a hundred artistic gestures each, on the theme of praise, over the course of the nearly-year ahead. The math is arbitrary and held out as a motive. 100K is a vest pocket version of Revelation’s “ten thousand times ten thousand angels;” it lines up with The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa. We may end up with a hundred artists making a thousand pieces each, or two artists making fifty thousand pieces, or two hundred thousand artists making a half a piece each…But we have to the hundred thousand figure to stretch us to broad and multifarious creative foment.
Pieces (or their traces) come in Feb 1, 2024.

Images from Feb 29 2024 Presentation

Our Artistic Response

“100K Praises” is a videogame that celebrates self-empowerment and positive self-image. Journey through a series of challenges and collect 100 genuine statements about your own character and achievements. Designed by Maiamama and Claudia Alick. Music from Makenna Lyric. Faces featured in the game were offered with positive statements you can witness in the gallery.

Read more about the process of designing the game and bringing it to fruition here!
100K Praises and Creator Freedom
Celebrating Self-Empowerment: ‘100K Praises’ Game Triumphs Despite Challenges

Gallery of Faces of Praise

Made with Padlet

100K Praises Licencing

100K Praises by Maiamama and Claudia Alick is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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