Tag: fictionchannel

Nikki Halley and the Civil War

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley failed to cite slavery as a cause of the American Civil War. This poem by Claudia Alick is part of the collection: Poetry of the State. This poem was created using three secession documents from Georgia, South Carolina, and Mississippi.

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Speculative Stories for the Strike

“Speculative Stories for the Strike” is a captivating collection of original narratives crafted by the imaginative mind of Claudia Alick. These tales serve as a rallying cry, echoing the urgent calls of the 2023 Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG/AFTRA) Strikes. Alick’s vivid storytelling brings to life a series of gripping scenarios that ponder the consequences of unchecked power, as studios continue to wield AI as a tool of manipulation and dominance. “Speculative Stories for the Strike” captivates, inspires, and sheds light on the crucial struggles faced by those who bring stories to life, reminding us of the power of storytelling to drive change and shape a more equitable world.

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Transforming Corporate Ghostlands

AI Experiment: Calling Up Justice looked at contemporary stories of commercial real estate and created prompts that encourage the machine to dream of a better future. Text generated by Chat GPT. Image generated by Dalle from this prompt-“Generate an image of a vibrant cityscape where repurposed office buildings have been transformed into creative community spaces. The scene takes place on a sunny day, bustling with activity. The focal point is a building adorned with colorful murals and open windows, revealing people collaborating inside. Other repurposed structures surround it, featuring greenery cascading from balconies and rooftops. Capture the diverse community engaged in conversations, idea exchange, and activities like a farmers market, street performances, and interactive installations. Portray a vivid sense of positivity, creativity, and the transformative potential of repurposing abandoned spaces.”

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Starvation of Shadows

AI Experiment: We challenged ChatGPT to produce a fiction short story about a community that breaks free from the grip of an ancient creature feeding off negativity, only to have it resurfaces as an internet troll. We directed it to have a positive ending. We added in a few specific prompts. Then we did some editing to make it more readable. We used Dall-e with description “digital art. a small town darkened by an evil force and a group of people standing hand in hand to fight it with rainbow light”

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Photo by Jay Yamayta. San Francisco. American Conservatory Theater. 2018

Every 28 Hours Plays Jordan Neely Action

In 2012 a study found that every 28 hours a black person was extrajudicially killed by vigilante, security guard, or the police in the United States. This statistic was immediately contested and the country is still embroiled with addressing a problem it struggles to acknowledge. Inspired by the conversation we needed to have this project was developed.

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yoda at a computer reading his fanfic

The Yoda Crossover Collection

The Yoda Crossover Collection was a lot of fun to make. The visual art was created using a combination of Dream Woomba, Adobe photoshop, Midjourney, and Dall-E. We used the character Yoda to test what stories the Chat GPT had been pre-trained on because we’d found it knew Star Wars characters. Yoda felt like a good control and produced the most epic Mary Sue. We cycled through the most popular stories on earth according to a sloppy google search and different types of Fanfic. The entire time we were thinking Star Wars and Disney would HATE this! This is transformative but we were still shocked it was even possible.These stories are the products of exercises we did for educational and skill-building purposes. We share them for free and fun. They do represent hours of labor and aesthetic choices. If you’d like to enjoy projects like these in the future please feel free to support the Calling up Justice practice at any level you wish.

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Doctor Who FanFic made with AI Assistance

The following stories were created using the AI tool Chat GPT. Donna and the Bubbles was the result of only two prompts. Claudia was live-streaming experiments with the AI and the audience requested she create a story with Doctor Who. She asked them for a companion and a noun. They chose Donna and the bubbles on her screen saver. The Star Trek Doctor Who crossover fanfic is pure first draft and reads more like an outline or treatment than a short story. It’s still a fun read and resembles some of the stories you might find on Archive of Our Own (AO3) the fanfic archive. The Chat GPT was only trained on a limited number of “main characters” so we had to train them on Bill Potts, Nardol and others. It also didn’t really understand the relationships between characters so we ended up entering in a lot of prompts to find results. Claudia edited stories from the results of multiple prompts. The results are 10 stories that are fun to read and were quite a lot of fun to create.

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The Yoda Crossover Collection

15 Short Stories featuring Yoda and other well known characters from across many worlds. The stories were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence. The art work was created with Midjourney, Dream Woomba, and Dall-e. These stories are the products of exercises we did for educational and skill-building purposes. We share them for free and fun. They do represent hours of labor and aesthetic choices. If you’d like to enjoy projects like these in the future please feel free to support our practice at any level you wish. –Claudia Alick

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