Calling Up Justice and One Free Community were so happy to work with the Inclusive Theatre Festival Oct 11-12 with Seesaw Theater at Northwestern University in Chicago lL. Claudia Alick, Jesenia, and Maiamama all mentored and advised Conference Director Aashna Rai on the process of planning and production. They produced a hybrid conference with a digital program, a digital hallway space, QR codes that led to spaces for group ideation and information sharing.
The Inclusive Theatre Festival goals of having a more racially diverse and disability justice informed conference were met successfully. Their goals of creating access remotely for participants at a distance and those who are immunocompromised were met and exceeded. This was a process of growth and experimentation. We’re excited to see what they produce next year!
View the Festival Livestream Archive in Howlround.

Seesaw Theatre Presents: the Eighth Annual Inclusive Theatre Festival (ITF)! This event is a weekend-long conference celebrating the strides being made in inclusive and accessible theatre. ITF aims to bring together theatre artists and practitioners from across the country, giving us all the chance to learn about the amazing work being done and how we can also improve our own work while supporting marginalized communities. The conference is intended not only for theatre artists (students and professionals alike), but also for the disability community and their families, educators working with autistic and otherwise disabled individuals, and truly anyone interested in this ever-expanding and heart-warming field of inclusive theatre.