Hold On It Wait For It Episode 7

doctor who hold on wait for it

Hold On Wait For It was recorded as a casual hobby by sisters Maia Mills-Low and Claudia Alick in 2014-2015. 6 episodes were recorded but the Star was episode was lost. This project was produced for free-99 using skype and garageband and left over freetime.  Please donate to http://Paypal.me/CallingUp to allow for projects like this to continue.  

Hold On Wait For It Ep 7 Gallifrain Turnips: In their most exciting episode of 2015 sisters Maia and Claudia use fancy recording technology to hold a spoiler filled conversation about Dr. Who companions, the hybrid, Steven Moffet, the racial and gender politics of Gallifray which leads to a rather complicated discussion of trangenderism and regeneration. Highlights include Claudia resisting the urge to spoil Star Wars. and Maia’s new microphone.

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