Cook As You Are

At CripCreate, our awesome weekly accessible co-working and socializing space for disabled individuals, we recently had an exciting session discussing cooking hacks to make the culinary world more accessible for us. We shared some fantastic ideas, from using tongs on a knob for wheelchair users to frozen prechopped vegetables for dump meals in a crock pot for those dealing with chronic illness. We even discussed tips like making a snack tray for managing ADHD time blindness or planning overwhelm. One of the participants recommended this book and it looks like it has accessible recipes!

Cook As You Are: the easy-read version by ruby tandoh

This is a 10-recipe mini easy-read cookbook, featuring recipes adapted from Cook As You Are. Every recipe has step-by-step photos and simple instructions. This booklet may be useful if you have certain learning disabilities because the easy-read recipes have simple instructions and lots of photos. You might need the help of a friend, family member or carer so that you can cook safely and happily. All of these recipes have been adapted from my cookbook, Cook As You Are.

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