Calling Up Capital Campaign

Join Us in Fueling Art and Justice!

Calling Up Justice is excited to announce the launch of our capital campaign, aiming to raise $100,000 over the next two years to create a living fund that will support our practice members and core programming. Our initial goal is to raise $10,000 in the first phase, which we are launching at our Why Mask Portland event on August 25.

“If you have come to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine then let’s work together.”

 Aboriginal Activist Sisters

Who We Are

Calling Up Justice is a collective of cultural producers, tech workers, artists, and social justice activists dedicated to creating transformative experiences and resources that foster justice. Our work spans performances of justice online, onstage, and in real life. We are passionate about Disability, Racial, and Gender Justice, and these values fuel every aspect of our work.

What We Do

  • Producing Performances: We create and share justice-themed performances across various platforms, from public video live streams on Twitch and TikTok to interactive discussions on Clubhouse and private sessions on Zoom.
  • Digital Spaces: We build and facilitate digital spaces for co-working and meaningful conversations, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.
  • Consultations: We offer consultations to individuals and institutions, providing guidance and support on justice-related matters. We also serve on governance and advisory boards, supporting foundations and organizations with facilitation.
  • Transmedia Events: Our events are diverse, spanning creative, social, educational, and business spheres. We organize and participate in think-tanks, study groups, and peer exchange groups, envisioning new paths for organizing and producing outside colonized frameworks.
  • Hybrid and Digital Connections: We thrive in hybrid, purely digital, and physical spaces, designing and staffing events and shows that build and facilitate connections.

How You Can Help

Our first $10,000 is earmarked to support Virtual Pride, Quarantine Residency, and Tech-Coop. By contributing to our campaign, you become a vital part of our mission to foster justice through art and community engagement. You can give via our Flip Cause for tax deductible donation and/or our Ko-Fi for immediate support.

Join Us!

We invite you to join us at the Why Mask Portland event on August 24 for the official launch of our capital campaign. Together, we can create a more just and inclusive world through art, collaboration, and innovative practices.

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