Why We Believe in Open Source

a hand writing open source on a chalkboard

Open source refers to a type of software whose source code is available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute freely. At first glance, it may seem like open source is just a technical matter, but it actually has far-reaching implications for social justice and empowerment.

One way in which open source promotes social justice is by promoting accessibility and inclusivity. When software is proprietary, only those who can afford to pay for it can use it. This means that people who are financially disadvantaged may be excluded from using certain tools and resources that could help them learn, communicate, and participate in society. Open source, on the other hand, allows anyone to access and use the software, regardless of their financial situation. This helps level the playing field and ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and grow.

Open source can also empower individuals and communities by giving them control over the software they use. When we use proprietary software, we are at the mercy of the company that owns it. They can change the terms of service, raise the price, or discontinue the product at any time, leaving us with few options. With open source, however, users have the freedom to modify the software to fit their needs and preferences, or even create their own versions. This gives them agency and autonomy, rather than being dependent on a corporation for their digital tools.

Open source promotes collaboration and community-building. When developers work on open source projects, they do so with the goal of improving the software for everyone, not just for their own benefit. This creates a sense of shared ownership and common purpose, which can foster a sense of community and belonging. In addition, open source projects often have a decentralized structure, with contributions coming from a diverse group of individuals and organizations around the world. This can help break down barriers and promote global connectivity and understanding.

Open source is an act of social justice because it promotes accessibility, inclusivity, and empowerment. It gives individuals and communities control over their digital tools, promotes collaboration and community-building, and helps create a more equitable and connected world. Calling Up Justice believes in using and creating open source technology.

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