Why Mask by Claudia Alick features a sign with a prominent QR code that leads to a digital site full of photos of people wearing COVID safety masks and why they are wearing them. They are invited to add their own photo and reasons for wearing the mask. Jesenia is joining Claudia on the road to offer this piece to different venues in California. They produced a variety of versions of the sign with different colors and added personal paintings of people wearing masks. This is a group performance using technology, meditating on making spaces accessible and community care.
Why Mask Images

Jesenia and Claudia are traveling to LA and the Bay Area and need funds to cover hotel room, rental car, and fabrication costs.
Witness the Why Mask Gallery
Join us on this transformative journey as we navigate the complexities of a world profoundly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, let us embrace the power of art to foster understanding and compassion, ensuring that safety remains a universal priority in our collective consciousness. Post your photo with a hashtag that specifies where you are coming from. Access WHY MASK through this link or the QR code below. https://padlet.com/callingupjustice/why-mask-6n5hqb16ty4dc941