is a resource hub for ending violence. We are not an organization. This site offers an introduction to transformative justice. Created by Mariame Kaba and designed by Lu Design Studio, the site includes selected articles, audio-visual resources, curricula, and more. You can use what is there, and submit recommendations to be added to the focus areas listed here. We hope you will use these materials to foster your own education and also share them with your communities to build something new. Only together can we transform our relationships to each other and society. We hope that this site helps in this effort.
The six categories organize all the content found on From there you can explore Articles, Media, Curriculum, & More. You can use the universal search feature to look for specific keywords, topics, or authors. The six categories are Transformative Justice, Restorative Justice, Community Accountability, Abolition, Carceral Feminisms, and Healing Justice
Thank you to the following people who contributed their suggestions and labor to making this site a reality:
sujatha baliga, Rachel Caidor, Tanuja Jagernauth, Anna Kark, Keisa Reynolds, Sarah Jane Rhee, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, and Dean Spade. was made possible through funding by Open Society Foundations