The Transformative Justice Help Desk

The Transformative Justice Help Desk, launched by Interrupting Criminalization, is a consultation service aimed at supporting partners involved in community interventions to address harm without involving police or punitive justice processes. Available by appointment, it provides thought partnership and one-on-one consultations to organizations, community accountability facilitators, abolitionist social workers, and Palestine solidarity organizers. The Help Desk assists with intervention design, implementation, strategies, team building, ethical dilemmas, and long-term planning, but does not handle internal conflicts, interpersonal violence, or crisis interventions. Services are free, with appointments lasting 30-60 minutes, and are primarily staffed by Shira Hassan from Just Practice Collaborative, with additional consultants brought in as needed.

Just Practice Collaborative exists to build our communities’ capacity to effectively and empathically respond to intimate partner violence, sexual assault and crisis without relying primarily on police or other state-based systems.  We offer care work, mentoring, practice spaces and think through structures of support for abolitionist organizers and facilitators of restorative and transformative justice processes and organizers who are building non-carceral and non-police crisis response teams around the country.


Saving Our Own Lives: A Liberatory Practice of Harm Reduction

Fumbling Towards Repair; A Workbook for Community Accountability Facilitators


Our Right to Heal: Liberatory Harm Reduction.

A Secret Stash of Power: Now, More Than Ever We Need a Clear Understanding of the Role of Violence, Trauma and Survivorship in our Harm Reduction Practice.

Painting the Ocean and The Sky: The Language of Nuance and Purpose in our Non-Carceral Crisis Response

Defund Police Invest in Community Care: A Guide to Alternative Mental Health


Just Practice Collaborative with Shira Hassan and Deana Lewis on One Million Experiments

Liberatory Harm Reduction with Shira Hassan on Death Panel

What Does Interpersonal Violence Look Like? Featuring Mimi Kim & Shira Hassan on Beyond Prisons

Perspectives on Interrupting Violence Featuring Mimi Kim & Shira Hassan on Beyond Prisons

What is Liberatory Harm Reduction with Shira Hassan on Emergent Strategies Podcast

We Need a Harm Reduction with a Liberatory Vision on Movement Memos

Kindling with Shira Hassan, The Lit Review


Everyday Practice of Transformative Justice

Addressing Harm

How to Support Harm Doers in Being Accountable

Intimate Partner Violence and Abolitionist Safety Planning

The Modern Roots of Transformative Justice

Harm Reduction, Abolition and Social Work

Transformative Justice in the Era of #DefundPolice

Search Calling Up Justice