Audiencing in Community!
The Interrobangers

Calling Up Justice values the act of being in community while we audience for cultural productions. One Free Community Discord hosted us March 14 2024. We like to be in spaces where we can feel the presence of others reacting to the work. This allowed us to be on camera or off as audience members and do active emotional reactions using discord buttons. This is accessibility!

We were invited to this digital production of The Interrobangers, a new play by M Sloth Levine, directed by Josh Glenn-Kayden, dramaturgy by Regine Vital, in partnership with the Boston Public Library and The Theater Offensive. They streamed the pre-recorded performance via demand with It was really fun and we chatted afterwards and shared what we enjoyed from the production. Folks were feeling the acting, plot, and production design a lot. The puppet dog was loved by all.


Something’s lurking deep in the woods of Foggy Bluffs. And as usual, it’s up to four groovy teens and a dog to get to the bottom of it. But in order to solve the mystery, the old friends must delve into their chilling past and uncover their town’s darkest secrets.
M Sloth Levine puts a thrilling new spin on a classic tale with The Interrobangers, a queer coming-of-age story about exploring identity, creating community, and finding that men in masks are the scariest monsters of all. And they might have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for these meddling kids!

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