The Connector App

MAR 30, 2020


This tool formalizes the informal practices that are already occurring within the Network of Ensemble Theaters membership and the larger field of collaborative art-making (i.e. ensembles presenting other ensembles, residencies (with performances), multi-city circuits, informal reciprocal visits between two locations, trade-based exchanges, etc.). 

The Connector app has been described as a “dating site” for ensembles to help facilitate matches, make introductions, prompt connections, and provide notifications when NET members travel or arrive in a new city– all with the goal of creating stronger relationships and networks. Connector provides an infrastructure for NET members (individual artists, ensembles, students, and value aligned affiliate organizations such as universities and venues) to co-create a new form of sharing our work with each other.

Connector creates a new currency of exchange that considers and encourages non-monetary possibilities (barter, trade, skill share) in addition to traditional financial based arrangements. The ultimate goal of Connector is to build a new system around non-cash based values and resources to equalize the playing field and to disrupt the traditional privilege that occurs within the current presenting and touring model. 


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