Sunday, February 5, 2023
3pmET • 2pmCT • 12pmPT

“You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines…You make progress by implementing ideas.” Shirley Chisholm
Calling Up Justice is happy to be helping to produce this virtual gathering of WOCA‘s 13th Annual Membership Meeting. It’s been almost three years into these pandemics and women of color are doing it for ourselves. In a hat tip to the late, great Shirley Chisholm, the theme for WOCA‘s 13th Annual Membership Meeting is “Unbothered and Unbossed” recognizing that while women of color have been disproportionately impacted by these pandemics and the oppressive systems which uphold them, we remain undeterred by the various challenges of our times. Women of color arts leaders continue to create, innovate, inspire, and lead – on our own terms

WOCA‘s 13th Annual Membership Meeting is held virtually via Zoom on Sunday, February 5, 2023 from 3pmET/ 2pmCT/ 12pmPT. The gathering is scheduled for 2½ hours.
During this once-a-year, intergenerational gathering, we will:
- move and meditate
- honor our community members
- hear from our members about some of their monumental personal journeys and professional innovations
- share organizational highlights from 2022
- unveil some special WOCA organizational developments for 2023
- introduce the EIGHTH cohort of our Leadership Through Mentorship Program
- outline WOCA membership benefits and the process for becoming an official member and/or renewing your membership
- and, most importantly, have the opportunity to just be!
You must RSVP in order to attend this free, once-a-year convening. Please note that you do not have to be a dues-paying WOCA member in order to attend this gathering as we invite all current and prospective WOCA members* to attend. WOCA defines prospective members are those that meet the basic criteria for WOCA membership, which simply includes being a self-identified woman of color and working in some administrative capacity in support of the performing arts.
*Questions about membership? Please reach out to us at membership@womenofcolorinthearts.org.
PLEASE NOTE: While we appreciate all authentic allies, we ask that this space remain exclusively for those that self-identify as women of color.

WOCA uses the term “women” to encompass all those that self-identify as women including cisgender and transgender femmes. Our intention is to uplift and address the very specific ways in which this particular group of people are impacted by various forms of oppression including sexism and racism. WOCA uses the term “women of color” as an organizing tool, acknowledging the expression is a political designation, not a biological one, and borne out of a solidarity movement originating from the labor of Black women.