Karina Ithier is an educator, performer, writer, and Intern with Calling Up Justice. She is dedicated to increasing diversity in the entertainment industry and educating others by sharing the voices of marginalized communities. At age 11, she trained at The Acting Loft, a community-based theater (Manchester, NH), where she proceeded to participate in several teen intensive summer programs. She discovered a love for teaching in 2016 after participating in Breakthrough Manchester, a non-profit aimed at closing the achievement gap for high potential, limited opportunity middle school students. She has taught at The Refugee Youth Summer Enrichment Program (RYSE) and at other public schools. In college, she continued to train as an actor and writer with industry artists by performing in campus and professional theatre productions and acting in local films. Karina intends to honor her craft by continuing both theatre and film professional training in the future, and by bringing BIPOC stories to the center.