Streaming Platforms Discourse

Calling Up Justice has been having an energetic conversation about streaming platforms and audience options. Several hundred thousand folks are participating in this conversation. After hearing that studios are continuing to lock away content and raise prices, many folks are ready to cancel their accounts. Some have already left. Others are talking about returning to cable. Some say yo ho, it’s time to take to the high seas. Many, many folks called for pirating. Claudia suggested we need paid channels that don’t cheat the audience and artists with reasonable price points. She also agreed with many in the audience who called for the library as an option. Apps like Libby and Hoopla allow for a free public option. Several videos reflect on media distribution, payment systems, and inequities over time. The conversation included observations about Facebook, WGA/SAG/AFTRA Strike and reflections on models we liked, such as Dropout TV. The conversation continues. We promise to post additional videos here.

Streaming Platforms Discourse Board

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