Solidarity without Silence

Calling Up Justice supports the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) strike by continuing to produce our work. As individuals we publish our work of critique and celebration of cultural productions on social media platforms independently. We are not influencers on behalf of commercial or corporate powers. It is because our work is counter to supremacy culture that silence is never the solution. We are not promoting struck work. We are using it.

Freelance Solidarity Project Solidarity Statement

A little while ago, the Freelance Solidarity Project—made up of critics, editors, and reporters covering entertainment—started a campaign to set some good rules for those writing about the industry during the Writers Guild of America strike. We’re asking our colleagues to add a short note at the start of their cosplay, reviews and coverage during the strikes. Here’s what the note says:

“This was written during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. The writers and actors on strike are a big reason why the [series/movie/etc] we’re talking about even exists.”

What do the Unions want?

Some people think that we can only show solidarity to WGA and SAG/AFTRA by halting or fundamentally changing the content of our work. This is a problematic request when our work is outside all these systems. It’s important to be clear that we are not crossing picket-lines, while also maintaining the unique and independent nature of our work. By not stopping what we do and including explicit pro-union messaging, we’re actively helping to change how people think about the strikes. We’re using our voices to spread the word, start conversations, and make a real difference. Being heard is more powerful than choosing silence.

2023 WGA Strike. Social Media Guidelines for Members


What do we want?

In ever evolving industries, what we do as independent content creators matters a lot. Even though it might seem like we should stop during strikes, we’re suggesting a different approach. One that lets us support the Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strikes in a powerful way. Together, we can use our influence to make the entertainment industry better for everyone, making sure all workers are treated fairly and have good working conditions. We want more power and liberation for all of us.

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