Power Not Pity Podcast

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POWER NOT PITY: A podcast for disabled people of color everywhere

This time around, the show will spend time exploring the worlds of people in our community who dare to interrogate the dominant narrative of what survival feels like for a disabled person of color during these trying times. They all demonstrate what it means to thrive fully and authentically. Power Not Pity invites you to dismantle ableism by listening to each other’s stories.

POWER NOT PITY, is a podcast that centers and celebrates the lived experiences of disabled people of color.

Bri smiles slightly at the camera while wearing a multi-patterned shirt, hexagonal purple glasses and blue glass earrings. Behind zir is sand, ocean waves and a jagged cliff.

After receiving a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis seven years ago, Bri became a podcaster and political agitator with a fierce desire to change the way disabled people of color are seen in mass media.

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