NET Post Election Statement

The Network of Ensemble Theaters a national community of artists and arts organizations dedicated to collaborative creation. The Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) links a diverse array of ensembles and practitioners to one another and the performing arts field, encouraging collaborations and knowledge building/dissemination. NET is committed to the advancement of the ensemble form and strives to bring about change in the world beyond ourselves through the transformative power of collaborative theater and ensemble practice. We support bold artistic and civic experiments and aim to heighten the impact and excellence of ensemble theater.

Their post-election impact statement reflects the values and clarity this organization continues to provide the field. The statement is less of a call to action and more of an acknowledgment of the actions’ that are already being taken. There is a gallery of field wide initiatives and program’s that is being built on this page. NET commits to gathering these resources and sharing them in a more organized way in the future. In the meantime get inspired.

Network of Ensemble Theaters Post-Election Impact Statement

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