Program Summery: Calling Up Justice was contracted by Kyong’s Pacific Beat to design and launch the Mosaic Network Online Portal using the Mighty Network Platform. They provided orientation materials and 21 months of bi-weekly consultations for portal moderation and maintenance, as well as posting content and engaging with others on the platform. They also facilitated the embedded 2021-2022 Virtual Learning Exchanges, including coaching the Mosaic team on video embedding and speaking during live sessions. The contract was extended to include a voting process and additional working group meetings, and Calling Up Justice created a tutorial film on the voting process and designed a process using Jotform for future iterations. They were pleased to not only lead in technical design but also participate in racial justice and event facilitation.
The Mosaic Network and Fund is a learning network and collaborative fund that supports arts and cultural groups that are led by, created for, and accountable to African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and Native American (ALAANA) people in New York City. The Network aims to foster trust, communication, and mutual learning among ALAANA arts groups and City-based philanthropies, focusing on institutions, the people within them, and the field at large.
Project Narrative
In 2021 Calling Up Justice was contracted by Kyong’s Pacific Beat to create and launch Mosaic Network Online Portal. We studied and interviewed representatives from several platforms such as and Circle and chose the Mighty Network Platform. We customized it branded content and original graphics. We also posted specific content and enabled features to facilitate the specific connections the participants of Mosaic Network needed. They used it for a wide range of purposes, including professional networking, education, and personal development. We provided features such as customizable profiles, discussion forums, event calendars, and live streamed meetings.

After designing the portal we created orientation materials. These included FAQ, live orientation sessions, written tutorials and videos. We also provided 1-hour long, bi-weekly Consultations for Portal Moderation and Maintenance to the Mosaic team for 21 months. We also posted content and engaged with the content of others while answering any questions.

We facilitated the embedded 2021-2022 Virtual Learning Exchanges. This included coaching the Mosaic team on how to create links to embed videos, posting links to the portal during the live sessions and speaking inside the meeting.

Learning Exchanges
- May 2021 NAMING
- February 2022 Contemplation
- April 2022April 21 Deconstruction
- June 16th Re-Imagine
- August 2022 Building
- October 2022 Investment

They were so pleased with the work that they extended the contract to include a voting process and additional working group meetings. We made a short film that included a tutorial of the voting process. We also designed a process inside jotform that they could easily copy for future iterations.

It was a pleasure to not only lead in design around technical specifications but also participate in racial justice and event facilitation.