Please enjoy Maiamama’s report out for her presentation with the Civic Media Leadership Social Hour with USC Annenburg Innovation Lab on Gaming4Justice and open source accessible Video Game design.
Hi everyone! Maiamama here. I’d like to thank the Annenberg Innovation Lab ( and the USC Civic Media Fellowship for hosting and attending our social hour of building a brand new game. We started a new game called Can You Survive a Racism: Get out and Vote. Producer Claudia Alick and I had great conversations and exchanges of information and resources. We discussed voter rights, voter suppression, and barriers that prevent people from voting such as disability, illness, work schedules, and poverty. I found it so rewarding to share a free and accessible way to tell stories and teach others. It is available to watch on our Twitch channel ( or below in the embedded video. We will be continuing working on the game on future episodes of Gaming4Justice. I hope you can join us to make this game even better! Be sure to check out our other games at And we are still fundraising for our Tacoma studio. You can give at