Liberated Equity Diversity and Inclusion Let’s Talk about Democracy


Liberated Equity Diversity and Inclusion: Let’s Talk about Building Democracy

During a recent conversation in a Clubhouse room, we talked about the role of democracy in today’s society. One speaker brought up the Iroquois Nation and how the principles of their Great Law of Peace were taken to serve power, which is based on a lie that supports Supremacy Culture. It was fascinating to learn about how the ancient Iroquois inspired the formation of the United States of America and its representative democracy. Another person shared about Demo-CRAZY and passionately advocated for peace.

The room also discussed the importance of spreading good medicine to counter the poison that bad-faith politicians spread. It was interesting to hear how some people preferred amateur performances of citizens advocating for human rights. We also talked about how storytelling is a tool used to control people, as seen in the Hunger Games, and how Martin Luther King used public non-violent protests to make a point.

Protesting is a form of participating in democracy, and many of us recalled past protests we had been a part of. Some mentioned protesting against the first and second Iraq wars, marching for the climate, women’s rights, and racial justice.

However, it was pointed out that sometimes we may feel too tired to positively participate in democracy, especially as the working class is often overworked and lacks the time needed to notice and think and work for our own rights. The speakers and participants agreed that this is the point, to keep the working class working rather than voting or leading.

Finally, the group agreed that giving every American a stimulus check would be the most powerful thing that could be done for democracy. In 2020, we all had a tiny bit of breathing room, and that’s why some were able to join movement work for the first time. But unfortunately, the people are often defunded so that they can be controlled.

Rooms like this fill our cups after Republican propaganda and intimidating public performances empty it. We need spaces to talk about it all. This is what democracy looks like! Join us next Wednesday for more liberated equity diversity and inclusion talk.

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