LEDIA Let’s Talk about the 6 C’s

The LEDIA Talkspace held on June 21, 2023, focused on the topic of healing from colonizer illness through the utilization of the 6 C’s: curiosity, creativity, collaboration, connection, clarity, and consistency. Facilitated by Matthew Reynolds, with support from the Calling Up Justice practice, the conversation delved into the adverse effects of supremacy culture and toxic belief systems, emphasizing the importance of these 6 C’s in the healing process.


The session highlighted the detrimental impact of supremacy culture on individuals and society, that makes us sick with toxic belief systems. It needs us not to ask questions. By staying curious, individuals can explore new perspectives and approaches, which leads to personal and collective growth. Embracing creativity empowers individuals to think outside the confines of dominant narratives and create alternative solutions to address systemic issues. Through creative expression, individuals can challenge the status quo and reimagine more inclusive and equitable realities.

The talk emphasized the value of collaboration and connection in the healing journey. Supremacy Culture needs us disconnected or connecting to unhealthy people and ideas. Collaborating with others who share similar goals and values provides a supportive environment that fosters growth and healing. Building connections with healthy ideas and people consistently allows individuals to gain clarity and expand their understanding of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Clarity was emphasized as a crucial element in healing from colonizer illness. Seeking clarity involves engaging with healthy ideas and perspectives that align with the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.

Consistency was underscored as a vital component in the healing journey. It is essential to consistently practice the 6 C’s to reinforce positive changes and sustain growth over time. By embracing curiosity, creativity, collaboration, connection, clarity, and consistency, individuals can heal from the effects of colonizer illness and contribute to a more inclusive and just society.

In conclusion, the LEDIA Talkspace on June 21, 2023, emphasized the significance of the 6 C’s (curiosity, creativity, collaboration, connection, clarity, and consistency) in healing from colonizer illness. By actively engaging with these principles, individuals can challenge toxic belief systems and work towards building a more equitable, diverse, inclusive, and accessible world.

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