involuntary porn artist

During Dis/Rep we were discussing The Future is Disabled and the amazing conversation reminded me of this poem.

involuntary porn artist a poem by Claudia Alick

To the woman who said I was feeling sorry for myself but then I saw you

I ain’t your inspiration
Even if I am damn inspirational
I’m not here for your encouragement
Even as My overcoming obstacles
Is overcoming you

Ya Dump ya sympathy tears
At my knee
It’s a Bad offering
I do not thank you
It’s Unacceptable

Don’t mistake my kindness for approval
I’m sipping tea
And your too thirsty
I’m Nice by necessity

I’ll embody generosity and animosity simultaneously
Ya Catching feelings
With the knowledge that I’m throwing down
I’m not responsible for what’s inside of you
I’m adorable and you ain’t cute
I’m phenomenal and your kinda rude
I’m moving between states

I’m so liminal
This body is not invisible
Even if my disability sometimes is
My disabilities are indivisible

From my multiple identities
You give me condescension
Want me to take it as a compliment
Treat me like a hero when I am merely Competent
Then Question my identity when I am myself Excellent

You got me Negotiating being a superwoman with simply being
I might be broken but I ain’t broke
But That don’t mean I can afford
this waste of my time

You keep setting the price
You making me pay
Micro-transactions of
On the daily
The duty to show beauty
Hide a grimace of pain

Be graceful while you continue acting insane
Your conversational casual ableism
Is a shame
It’s cliche
It’s hashtag NOT OK
I ain’t a genius just cause you acting like a fool
Don’t Compare my success
to your problems

I’m not your motivational tool

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