Dec 14 2019
Great times this evening performing and creating with FoolsFURY Celebration Provocation with Libations. This evening of curated short plays, stories, rants, and poems, read aloud by professional actors and the theater curious. Basically it was “readers roulette” and our names were drawn from a hat. The plays included a mix of rehearsed staged retrospective pieces from FoolsFURY 21 year history and original work read cold from audience. There was food and drinks and relaxed atmosphere inside a professional space. The room was age diverse and folks were involved and having a good time. Claudia Alick is serving as a consultant with FoolsFury and joined performing with them in this year end event. https://m.bpt.me/event/4465034
Celebration Provocation with Libations!
foolsFURY invited writing submissions to share curiosity and wonder. This public call for short text submissions invited folks to submit anecdotes, stories, dreams and short plays for foolsFURY’s 2019 Celebration Provocation (with Libations,) an annual public participatory celebration.
Submissions were open and public and curated by foolsFURY. A handful of texts are selected. Some rehearse in advance and perform, while others are assigned to audience members during our ever popular and not-yet-patented “Reading Roulette.”
- We are looking for short works that relate to or respond to the theme/prompt/inspiration “The New Ab/Normal”
- What exactly that means is up to you.
- The works may be in narrative, dramatic, or poetic formats (or whatever else comes to mind.)
- Whatever the form, they should benefit from being read aloud.
- They should be short: 1-3 minutes total.
- Ideally 1-3 readers/characters.
- Feel free to contact us with any questions!
The Event:
Join us for an evening of curated short plays, stories, rants, and poems, read aloud by professional actors and the theater curious.
Dec 14, 7:00pm • Joe Goode Performance Annex • 401 Alabama Street • San Francisco, CA 94110