Arts & Disability: Residency Programs

ResourcesArtArt ResidenciesDisability

ArtConnect gathered a list of residency programs that are disability-led and/or support and create opportunities for artists and art professionals with disabilities. Calling Up Justice is of course biased for CripTech Incubator Residency but this is a great list of resources!

“It’s not only a lack of access within programs, facilities, policies or funds, but also a lack of communication and transparency about accessibility that can create barriers for Disabled artists who are looking for and interested in participating in a residency program. To start to make finding inclusive and accessible residency programs a bit easier, Artist Communities Alliance provides a residency directory on their site that allows artists to search programs by accessibility status.  In this list, we’ve highlighted a selection of residencies that offer access, as well as provide dedicated programming and residency funds to artists and art professionals with disabilities. ”

Click here to access the list!

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