I Left Neither my Bed Nor my Room
Calling Up Justice friend of the practice Terri Lynne Hudson multimedia piece December 12 2024. Her 3Arts Fellowship culminated in an asynchronous multimedia experience. Claudia Alick directing and co-designed her devised piece that includes original music, art, movement, and text. Find more accessible information about this production directly form Terri’s website. https://www.terrilynnehudson.com/all-my-pretty-fictions/
Neither Bed Nor Room is a work in progress livestreamed from Terri’s home, with a live in-person, masks required watch party at UIC. For people who can’t make it during the livestream, there will be a recording of the performance posted later. She is also creating an art installation that will be present at UIC and it will travel to several other locations throughout the city over the following months. The installation is a reflection of and companion piece to the performance. One of the goals in this process was to create art that could be accessible to people for whom time, space, physical presence, visualizing or listening may limit how they experience art.

Event Program
Creative Team
Terri Lynne Hudson: Perform Creator
Claudia Alick: Director
Charles: Design and tech engineer
Ayila Jamie Bailey: Music Advisor, Performer
Vita Eya Cleveland: Music Advisor
Roy K. Felps: Music Collaborator
Charlotte Jung: Playwright (Miner’s Canary)
UIC Staff and student support workers
Carrie Sandahl, Bodies of Work
Amelia-Marie Altstadt, Stage Manager
Joy Young, Bodies of Work and Access Living
Bri Noonan, Virtual Access Doula
Libby Evan, student support (curatorial work)
Terri Lynne Hudson is a disabled, chronically ill queer actor and multidisciplinary artist and disability rights advocate living and working in Chicago. She has a BA in General Studies in the Humanities concentrating in theatre, film and dramatic literature, from University of Chicago. She has studied at Second City, Vagabond School of the Arts and Acting Studio Chicago. She has performance credits with, among others, Citadel Theatre, Strawdog Theatre Company, Accidental Shakespeare Company and Wildclaw Theatre. She recently performed as part of the SHIFT video installation, led by Barak Ade Soleil, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Her voice can also be found reading creepy short stories on Audible and on the Random Acts Scary Stories Around the Fire and the Chilling Tales for Dark Nights podcasts.

Sponsors Information:
This event is part of the 2024 3Arts/Bodies of Work Artists in Residency program.
This event is partially supported by Access Living’s Art & Culture Project and Shirley Ryan Ability Lab. The contents of this workshop were developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90RTCP0005). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this workshop do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, or HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
This program is also partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, as well as grants to 3Arts from the National Endowment for the Arts and The Joyce Foundation.
Terri Lynne Hudson will be doing a multimedia solo performance (with asynchronous collaboration) exploring isolation, the nondisabled gaze on disabled life, and revealing the internal life, imagination and creativity that can happen both when accommodations are offered and when they are denied and disabled people have to carve out their own worlds apart from general public life.
The building is fully accessible including ramps, elevators, and a drop off circle if you are being dropped off. Masks are required for this event so that we might be in disability community together. We are strongly encouraging a scent free environment. We will have access doulas at this event to assist you if needed. Please be sure to let us know when registering if you’ll need CART and/or ASL services.