AlgoSpeak Discourse

Summary of the AlgoSpeak Discourse: Hank Green, also known as William Henry Green II, is a prominent white male cis-gender American figure with multiple roles, including vlogger, science communicator, entrepreneur, author, internet producer, and musician. In a video, Green expressed the opinion that algo-speak, a set of coded language choices, is unnecessary for creators on TikTok. Algo-speak involves using specific phrases to avoid content removal or down-ranking by moderation systems. For example, users might say “unalive” instead of “dead,” use “SA” instead of “sexual assault,” or point to thier palm instead of saying “White person”.

TikTok stands out by distributing content primarily through an algorithm-driven “For You” page, unlike other mainstream social platforms where follower count matters more. Consequently, users focus on tailoring content to appeal to the algorithm, making adherence to moderation guidelines crucial. Hank Green’s video triggered reactions from many, with some countering his claims. Criticism pointed to his privileged status, which provides different moderation treatment compared to marginalized users.

In response to the backlash, Green posted an apology video, which was met with mixed reception within the community. Some found it lacking authenticity. However, Green later addressed the discourse more comprehensively, acknowledging the points raised and committing to improved understanding and behavior.

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