Access Rider

An artist rider is a document that outlines the specific technical and logistical requirements for an artist’s performance. This can include everything from the type of stage and lighting to the type of dressing room and catering that is provided. Access riders are documents that detail information about an individual’s access requirements. They can stop endless conversations about access by offering a considered and detailed list of what might be needed when, to enable employers, colleagues, and others to simply know how best to support someone without assumptions and guesswork. calling Up justice shares links below that provide what at an access rider is, where and how it can be used and what you might want to include in yours.

Alexandrina Hemsley offers an access rider with guiding comments from their lived experience as a person of colour with invisible disabilities.

Access Rider. What is an access document? by Romily Walden

Creating Your Own Access Rider

Access Docs-Leah Clements, Alice Hattrick and Lizzy Rose

Access Rider By Charlotte Jacob-Maguire, Accessibility Consultant

A field guide about accessibility in arts and culture that shares knowledge generated through “ Sick Time, Sleepy Time, Crip Time: Against Capitalism’ s Temporal Bullying,” and work that has since emerged from its network of artists, organizers, and community partners in Waawiiyaatanong/Detroit.

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