Access Choreographies

Access Choreographies:
The Art of Designing Accessibility

Calling Up Justice coined the term “Access choreographies” to refer to the art of designing how people can move in all spaces to ensure accessibility. This includes considerations of access check-in, discussions of captions, reviewing accessible bathrooms, and more. Accessibility is defined as the quality of being easy to approach, enter, operate, participate in, or use. It is an important consideration in a variety of settings, from the home to the workplace to public spaces. We think all the world’s a stage so this term is ideal.

Choreography is the art of designing movement. The term can apply to dance, theater, or any other field in which movement is an important part of the design. In the context of event producing and gathering, access choreography is the art of designing movement to ensure that everyone has equal access to a space.

The goal of accessible choreography is to create a space in which no one is excluded due to physical or mental limitations. This involves designing the space to be accessible to all people, regardless of disabilities. This includes using ramps and elevators, creating accessible bathrooms, providing accessible seating, and more. These all require thoughtful design to ensure accessible performance for all.

Designing access is a process that will always be more such successful with preparation. Listen to and follow the lead of those with disabilities. We’ll drop some links below with resources!


DESIRE PATH PROJECT- Access Art from The Curiosity Paradox

Access Statement from Axis Dance

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