Encampment Cats!


The digital encampment is available 24 seven and growing every day. It’s a resource for education, and community. There’s a lot of fun you can have in there. We sent her a pleasure activism and accessibility. You can find out more on my Link tree or going to Calling Up Justice website #disabilityjustice#encampment#encampments#studentencampment

♬ Healing – Soft boy

The proliferation of encampment cats is a sign that our open space technology design is working! Once participants have familiarized themselves with the camp and begin regularly spending time there we upgrade them to members. Members have the ability to add elements and become full contributors. We have a communication rich builders chat and participants add resources and art to the space everyday.

Some elements like the digital welcome table feature original assets like pixel hand-sanitizer. They are replicating items you would find in a physical campus encampment. Other items are hyperlinked to books, websites, educational resources, and art. A few days ago someone added a cat to a tent and this inspired others to add more cats. This is evidence of a healthy growing community where everyone is exercising leadership.

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