Calling Up Video Conference Communication Agreements

OCT 2, 2019 8:24 PM

We often co-create communication agreements from scratch with the groups we collaborate with as part of the Calling Up practice.  It can also be great to have something to start with. These were created to help us manage some of our larger digital discussion and meetings.  We always ask folks if there is anything missing, or anything we want to strike and if we all consent to the agreements for the duration of the conversation. 


• We will co-create space for everyone to contribute.

• We will remember Intention matters. Impact matters more

• We will listen for Understanding, Not Debating

• Those of us most comfortable responding quickly will create space for other voices

• Those of us less comfortable responding verbally and quickly will speak and be heard

• We will have productive silence

• We will avoid cross talk

• We will be fully present with each other and resist the urge to multi-task

• We will test our personal technology before we meet and resolve any technical issues

• We will use the mute button when not speaking to prevent background noise

• We will use message and hand signals to communicate to others before speaking

• We will turn on our video whenever possible

• We will manage time together

• We will share what we learn here

• We will not share other people’s stories without their permission outside of this space

• We will always get consent

• We will engage in this performance of justice

CALLING UP Communication Agreements.pdf

#resource #comunicationagreement

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