Peer Support Guidelines

random grup of humans looking like they are talking to eachother

Peer Support Guidelines: Holding Supportive Space with Care

These peer support guidelines were shared during a valuable event held in GARDEN, a digital space created for BIPOC communities. These principles are an excellent resource for anyone looking to hold space in a supportive, respectful, and compassionate way. The guidelines foster an environment where participants feel safe and respected, while embracing the diversity and expertise each individual brings to the conversation. Here are the key principles:

Peer Support Guidelines:

  1. Voluntary Participation
    Participation is always consensual and voluntary. Individuals can choose how they want to engage, whether it’s speaking over the microphone, using the chat feature, or simply listening.
  2. Confidentiality
    What is shared in the space stays within the space. We commit to keeping everything confidential and refrain from disclosing what others have shared outside of the group.
  3. Nonjudgmental Approach
    We practice nonjudgment by holding others in unconditional positive regard. This means accepting and honoring each person as a unique individual, with an open mind, compassionate heart, and full acceptance.
  4. Respect for Boundaries
    Respecting each other’s boundaries is essential. We welcome an environment where uplifting and honoring these boundaries is actively encouraged.
  5. Mutual Support and Power Sharing
    The space is one of mutual support, where all members equally share power and responsibility for the group’s well-being.
  6. Teaching and Learning Together
    We recognize that everyone has something to teach and something to learn. Our diverse life experiences bring valuable expertise to the conversation, and we embrace this collective wisdom.
  7. Respect for Choices and Perspectives
    We respect a wide range of choices and perspectives. Even when we disagree, we refrain from judging, invalidating, or shaming others.
  8. Accountability and Impact
    We hold ourselves accountable for our actions. If harm is caused, we call folks in or out when necessary, take responsibility for our impact, and strive to avoid using ableist language.

These guidelines are adapted from the National Practice Guidelines for Peer Supporters and can be used by anyone facilitating or participating in peer support spaces.

Additional Resources:

By applying these guidelines, we create spaces that are rooted in mutual respect, accountability, and collective care.

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