2024 Pride Vendor Booths

This 2024 we are producing our Accessible Virtual Pride Vendor Booths on Padlet and Gathertown Platforms. Last year we successfully shared LGBTQ+ and Disabled orgs, artists, and services in a bulletin board format. This year we are opening up an additional special space, designed by Maiamama, where vendors can talk to the people who visit their booth. Join us for tabling and promoting your practice!

Get ready to join us for an unforgettable experience at our upcoming Accessible Virtual Pride on August 31st & September 1st, 2024! We’re thrilled to invite you to a celebration of diversity, inclusivity, and love, uniting the LGBTQ+ community and our allies in a safe and COVID-conscious environment. Produced by Calling Up Justice and One Free Community, our event is dedicated to promoting justice and accessibility, ensuring everyone can participate regardless of their ability to attend in person. Inspired by the story of “Stone Soup,” every aspect of this event is a labor of love, with volunteers dedicating their time and talents to create something truly special.

2024 Accessible Virtual Pride Vendor Booths

Made with Padlet

Padlet provides a cloud-based software-as-a-service, hosting a real-time collaborative web platform in which users can upload, organize, and share content to virtual bulletin boards called “padlets.” It is similar to creating a Pinterest Board. 

Gathertown a virtual workspace platform that allows users to interact in real-time in a 2D environment, similar to being in the same physical space. It’s a browser-based web-conferencing software that lets users see and move around in a virtual room, and interact with other participants based on their location.

2024 Accessible Virtual Pride

Virtual Pride 2024

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