Theatre Green Book One Toolkit
This toolkit page contains a template Green Rider for the venues you visit on tour.
This toolkit page contains a template Green Rider for the venues you visit on tour.
Calling Up Justice uses the Just Transition framework in much of it’s work. We highly recommend these resources from Movement Generation. They offer this framework as a humble point of departure for folks interested in building collective vision and action towards Ecological Justice that does not separate humans from nature, or social equity from ecological integrity. For more on Just Transition framework and strategies from MG and others: Read MG’s Just Transition Zine; Visit Climate Justice Alliance’s webpage on Just Transition and
check out their Just Transition Framework Adaptations page that showcases powerful adaptations of Just Transition framework by different communities in various languages, creative formats, and sector-specific lenses.
We are at a moment where the hope and promise of achieving a bold, transformative agenda to protect the climate seems possible. But while transition is inevitable, justice is not. Led by frontline communities and workers with lived experience of struggle against extractive, polluting industries, the environmental justice movement has been demanding protection of our health, our communities, and our environment for decades. Here are five straight-forward questions that can help you determine whether a Green New Deal is rooted in justice for workers, frontline communities, and the environment
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Calling Up Justice is fiscally sponsored by Intersection for the Arts, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which allows us to offer you tax deductions for your contributions. Please make checks payable to Intersection for the Arts, and write “Calling Up Justice” in the memo line. This ensures that you’ll receive an acknowledgement letter for tax purposes, and your donation will be available for our project.