Liberated EDI let’s talk about Wokeness
Awesome conversation about Woke in the Liberated Equity Diversity Inclusion Clubhouse Room. Really appreciated reviewing the history of the term, how it’s being used today and ideas about healing for justice producers. First used in the 1940s, the term “woke” has resurfaced in recent years as a concept that symbolises awareness of social issues and movement against injustice, inequality, and prejudice. James Baldwin said To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. Supremacy Culture wants you to be in denial. It pathologizes the word “woke” so that you’ll stop thinking. Not talking about racism is not the same as being anti-racist. To be in denial of supremacy culture is to be in support of it. Everyday we do not dismantle supremacy culture we increase its power. It’s killing us. Get woke. Stay woke.