2022 Events and Programs
In 2022, Calling Up Justice offered a variety of events and programs for community empowerment and enjoyment. The Dis/Rep project was a series of virtual engagements focused on disability representation and accessibility. The Justice Producers Collaborative connected justice producers monthly cultivation calls. The Calling Up Justice Residency offered artists amenities such as an editing and recording studio, a private garden, and a comfortable bedroom, as well as field trips and fun activities. We Charge Genocide TV added additional resources on the ongoing genocide of Black, Indigenous, and Trans communities, and the Every 28 Hours Plays created a resource page for artists in Akron, Ohio responding to the killing of Jayland Walker. The F the Gala event reimagined traditional gala fundraising through a virtual program promoting accessible, inclusive, and equitable practices, featuring interactive spaces for discussions and idea generation. It was a full year of great work we are all very proud of.